Services Regular reporting

Regular reporting

Triple A consultants can support insurance companies with their regular reporting activities. Our consultants have experience with reporting within Solvency II regulations (both Standard Formula and Internal Model), local GAAP and IFRS in many countries.

Our consultants can support you with:

  • model points preparation
  • data flow organization
  • model development and maintenance
  • post process tools building.

Consultants bring a fresh look on processes that always used to be business as usual, and foster further innovation and optimization. We offer support in the improvement of your processes by utilising the experience and strong technical skills of our team of consultants.

The scope of our expertise:

  • process optimization
  • gap analysis and filling
  • implementation of new regulations or supervisor authority
  • audit recommendation.

Triple A may also tailor support for your reporting processes. We can supply support for the most work intense reporting windows or even arrange full outsourcing of the reporting processes. Our team consist of actuaries with a wide range of experience who can perform any reporting activities from data preparation and calculation to results analysis and summary reports preparation.

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